Preventing Eye Strain.....
Most of us nowadays work for long hours in front of the computer screen. Such acts might cause some discomfort to the eyes which is an important part of our organ. So in order to prevent furthur damage and keep our eyes as fit as possible here are some tips on how to prevent eye strain especially for bloggers like you and me who need to sit in front of the computer screen .......
Preventing Eye Strain
Eye fatigue, neck pain and headaches can all stem from not giving your eyes the rest they need to function properly.
Our eyes are naturally designed to focus at long distances and when we focus up close - like on our monitor screen - the small muscles in the eyes must work very hard to allow you to see clearly. When they become fatigued, you begin to squint to try and help your eyes focus.
You can help reduce eye fatigue by:
1. Have your eyes examined
Having a eye examination at least every 2 years. If you wear glasses and experience eyestrain, you may need a new prescription. You can easily overwork your eye muscles if your eyes need correction and don't get it.
2. Use good lighting
Adequate lighting is important to prevent eyestrain. Avoid working in rooms that are dark or too dim. If you're staring at a TV or monitor, make sure the light in the room is about equal to the brightness of the display.
Movie theaters make up for this by having such a huge screen that their own light fills up the room.
3. Take a break
Try to spend no more than one hour without taking a break. Computer use results in a decrease of blinking to almost one third of normal, putting even more strain than usual on your eyes.
You should practice the 20/20/20 rule - every 20 minutes, look away from your monitor for 20 seconds, and focus on an object that is at least 20 feet away.
4. Exercise your eyes
To prevent eyestrain, it is recommended to do eye yoga. Move your eyes slowly and smoothly as far to the left as you can, then as far to the right as you can. Continue by looking up, then down, then at all four diagonals.
Repeat the entire sequence three to five times, once or twice a day.
5. Make some heat
A technique called cupping can ease eyestrain. First, rub your hands together to make them warm. Then gently press your palms against your closed eyes and hold them there for a while. You will find it soothing.
6. Eat carrots
If you eat carrots, it'll increase your eyesight. This is absolutely true, but it isn't just carrots you can eat, it's anything with Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to safeguard against cataracts and macular degeneration. It also helps you to see better at night.