Perth Vacation

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Happy Birthday to Me......

Today is actually not my birthday. It was 3 days ago but I feel like I have not turn a year older yet. Why?...because I have not celebrated my birthday as I have done every year. Why?...because nobody has bought me a present yet. Why?....because everybody is busy as a bee or somebody really have forgotten about my birthday.Why?...because he or she is too busy with his or her problem. So I am still waiting for me to get out of my confinement to celebrate myself if no one cares. Sounds pitiful isn't it. Never mind, to some people birthday is just the same as everday. As long as I am still alive, breathing, and kicking up a storm I am just as happy but a bit disappointed.


  1. molly said...

    Why? why? why? You understand now?
    Haha Happy birthday!

  2. Sweet Jasmine said...

    Hi Molly, its good to love ourselves rather than waiting to be loved. Thank you for the birthday wish.

  3. Kess And Her Mama said...

    Happy belated birthday! Did your family forget to celebrate with you??? Never mind. Celebrate life, be thankful, treat yourself!

  4. Sweet Jasmine said...

    Hi Kess, thanks for the belated wish. My family forgot about it but til now I got a few presents already.

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