Perth Vacation

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Ouch! Did I Eat Something Wrong...

I woke up with painful joints this morning. My right shoulder and wrist joints is swollen again. I don't know whether yesterday's dinner of tomatoes or the dried shitake mushroom is the culprit. Just would have to stay away from them for a while. RA (rheumatoid arthritis) is just an unpreditable disease. One moment I am ok and the next moment all the cells are at war making me weak and helpless.

Just pop in some steroids and anti inflamatory pills to stop the pain. Brushing my teeth, combing my hair and helping myself with breakfast is such a painful chore. Just have to tell myself everything would be alright in a while.


  1. molly said...

    Hi Jasmine, are you talking about yourself? But you dont look like you have any problem at all. You have a very cheerful & happy look leh.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Sweet Jasmine said...

    Hi molly..(feels like talking to myself..LOL).
    I am an RA sufferer..12 yrs now with many disabilities and painful joints. But I have accepted my condition so the its fine for me..the reasons for my cheerfulness. I am still thankful I look well and still able to move around. My disabilities are.. cannot run, jog, squat with damaged ankles, finger joints..will hv madecations for life.

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